Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Music in Ireland

USAmerica is a land of G.I. Joes & Barbies & He-Men & She-Ra & Transformers. Ireland, in my dream life, is Playmobile.

On RTE 1 around eight o'clock I hear a cover of a Jonathan Richman song. It's a song I don't know. It's performed tenderly. It's a song about summer. The dj -- who sounds middleaged but such sounds are often deceiving -- says that anyone who is not moved by such a song should check his pulse.

On RTE 1, in between songs, the dj talks about five-minute philosophers. Gets emails from listeners about Dylan, Cohen (pro/con), Tom Waits, Joni Mitchell, and so on. D.J. throws his own two (Euro) cents in too. Sure it's an oldfogey list but can *you* imagine a discussion of these artists on mainstream American radio? I can't. But I *can* imagine such a discussion on NPR & that's what RTE is. Public radio. But I'm not here for politics I'm here for music & I must say it was pleasant driving along the Dingle Peninusla listening to the Irish argue about who is the best five-minute philosopher.

On RTE TV heard Belle & Sebastian on a jockish show (though one of the pretty boys is gay) about travel. (In the episode I watched they traveled to Lisbon & "Get me away from here I'm dying" played while they sped around on scooters.) Lots of ogling. Lots of drinking. Lots of stupidity. But amidst it all was B & S not Kid Rock. Does this matter? How so? I'm not sure how it matters but it is significant somehow. But not surprising. B & S have a half dozen to a dozen top forty singles across the ocean.


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